
“ when the last tree is cut, the last fish is caught, the last river is polluted, when the breath the air is sickening, you will realize too late : THAT THE WEALTH IS NOT IN YOUR BANK ACCOUNT, AND YOU CANNOT EAT MONEY.”

– Alanis Obomsawim

KOPRABUH continuously try harder to develop new form of renewable energy and respond to energy scarcity situation. KOPRABUH’s solution is to develop a fast growing biomass tree for energy production. More then 10 years of research and development, KOPRABUH finally discover some trees with faster growth rate then the fastest growing tree ever recorded. With highest plant management technology, the tree now averaging yield to 300 ton / hectares / year crop which is considered to be the fastest growing tree species with a shortest crop period.

The existing 358,000 ha planted, 50 million ton of wood ready to harvest and the other 300 million ton are mature enough to be harvest in 3 years. KOPRABUH need to have a wood chips/ wood pellets factory of 2 million ton per month capacity and 2x100MW wood fired Power Plant as a package of wood production off taker crisis. It is the dedicated and practical dream for KOPRABUH to carry the expectation and collaboration throughout the world for this peace project for better economic and social equality for everyone.

Under KOPRABUH’s vision, policy and standpoint, we foresee an extraordinary collaboration from business partners and international organizations in the attempts to set up a special economic area. The area is designed to respond to energy together with global warming which will also create jobs and fights economic crisis. It is the dedicated and practical dream for KOPRABUH to carry the expectation and collaboration throughout the world for this peace project for better economic and social equality for everyone.

Human Living

“ we shall need a substantially new way of thinking if humanity is to survive”

– Albert Enstein


“ for Indigenous People of the world battling exploitation and destruction of Nature Capital, never in the history of humanity has so much been owed by so many, to so few ”

– derived from Winston Chruchill war time speech


"If a man aspires towards a righteous life, his first act of abstinence is from injury to animals."

– Albert Einstein


“ we have a single mission to protect and hand on the planet to the next generation”

– Francis Hollande

Green Mining

“ everybody has the moral responsibility to do the right thing”

– Christiana Figueres


“Cultivation of mind should be the ultimate aim of human existence”

– B. R. Ambedkar


“A nation,s culture resides in the hearts and in the soul of its people”

– Mahatma Gandhi


“when you cut down a tree, you can feed my people today. When you plant a tree, you can feed my family for generations”



“when you cut down a tree, you can feed my people today. When you plant a tree, you can feed my family for generations”


Energy forestry will create a considerably high employment rate and also require development of a new town under a concept of better society in terms of income and benefits, as well as efficient uses of energy technologies to accommodate these communities. Furthermore not only these large‐scale plantation will absorb massive amount of pollutants and greenhouse gases (GHG) each year, but they will help to increase soil moisture and fertility of land, thus becoming a major source of livelihood for people in the areas. This will turn alleviate the problem of rain forest encroachment and dispute over arable land.


“A woman is the full circle. Within her is the power to create, nurture and transform”

– Diane Mariechild


“Sooner or later, we will have to recognise that the Earth has rights,too, to live without pollution. What mankind must know is that human beings cannot live without Mother Earth, but the planet can live without hiumans.”

– Theodore Roosevelt


“Rivers don’t drink their own waterr, Trees don’t eat their own fruits, the salt seasons the soup in order to have its purpose fulfilled, live for others.”

– Israelmore Ayivor


“Agriculture is our wisest pursuit, because it will in the end contribute most to real wealth, good morals, and happiness.”

– Thomas Jefferson


“Tranquality, sereniti, and beauty of nature taught me how to find happiness in life and in the silence of eternity.”

– Debasish Mridha


““ I do not want to pit modern technolpogies and the traditional knowledge of Indigenous peoples against one another as we need both. If we believe technology alone is going to save us, then we are totally mistaken. In my community of grandmother is far more useful than a smart phone”

– Hindou Ibrahim, Environtment & Indigenous Rights Activist

Under KOPRABUH’s vision, policy and standpoint, we foresee an extraordinary collaboration from business partners and international organizations in the attempts to set up a special economic area. The area is designed to respond to energy together with global warming which will also create jobs and fights economic crisis. It is the dedicated and practical dream for KOPRABUH to carry the expectation and collaboration throughout the world for this peace project for better economic and social equality for everyone.


Passion in environment and forestry, we built Koperasi Produsen Anugerah Bumi Hijau (KOPRABUH) in 2006, make Guiness World Record of most populated trees planted in 2016.